Burned Out Moms: What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

So, it’s morning and it’s time to get out of bed. The kids have to go to school, and you and your spouse have to get ready to go to work. But there’s a problem, you don’t want to get out of bed. Instead, you would rather be in bed all day long, underneath your warm covers hiding from the world. 

I’ve been there. I know how it feels to dread hearing your alarm clock go off in the morning signaling that it’s time to get on with the day. It’s not a good feeling especially when you know you have to get up. If you are a mom, you can agree that if you don’t get up the entire house is in jeopardy.

Here’s some advice and motivation to get your day started:

Go to Bed Early

If you’re a night owl, you may enjoy staying up late and even work better at night. But when you have kids, a job, a spouse that you take care of, you probably need to get some rest. It’s tempting to stay up past midnight to get some “quiet time”, but maybe you should get the kids to bed earlier so you can get that quiet time. It may take a while for your body to adjust, but eventually you’ll get used to going to bed at normal hours.

Take a Break

If it’s been a while since you have taken a vacation or a day off, you may be due for some time off. I know that it may be difficult for you if you have to work to get the bills paid. But at some point, if you’re drained from the constant busyness of life, you should try planning a small vacation. We all need a break sometimes, it’s okay. Consider asking your boss about taking a mental health day. If you’re married, talk to your spouse about taking a getaway together or by yourself. It may be the breath of fresh air you need.

Call in the Grandparents

If your parents live nearby or can afford to take a trip to visit you, invite them over. Most parents would love a chance to visit and get a chance to see their grandchildren if they could. Even if it’s a short trip, they can give you the break that you need. Having your parents around as support for you and your family can lift a huge burden off your shoulders. It may allow you to feel refreshed and regain focus and energy. 

Check Your Diet

Our diet plays a big part in why we feel the way that we do. When we always go for the donut instead of the smoothie for breakfast in the mornings, it’ll eventually catch up to us. Our bodies need proper nutrients to give us energy to get through our day. When we don’t drink enough water, eat mostly fast food, sweets and starchy foods then our bodies may begin feeling a little sluggish. Our bodies can get drained more quickly than usual. 

Take some time to reflect on what you have been eating for the past week or two. That may be a reason you’ve been feeling more tired than usual.

Include Fun Stuff in Your Day

Without enjoyment, our days can feel flat, leaving us with nothing to look forward to. Do yourself justice and pencil in a little bit of excitement in your day. If you like to read, pick up that novel. If you’re more adventurous, go on a small excursion after work on a Friday afternoon. Plan a movie night in the middle of the week with your family and pop some popcorn. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something you look forward to and enjoy.

Go Talk to the Pros

If you’ve tried everything and nothing works, you might want to go see a therapist. They are trained professionals and can help if you think you really have a serious issue. It’s a scary thing to go talk to a complete stranger that says they can help you. But if you have exhausted all your options, then it may be time to reach out to a professional. 

If you or someone you know battles depression, know that you are not alone. There are treatment options, support communities and resources available for you or your loved one. 

If you or someone you know are in an immediate crisis, get help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or visit The International Association for Suicide Prevention to be connected to a trained counselor at a crisis center nearby.

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