Facebook debuts new notifications to fight vaccine misinformation - The move comes exactly one week after Pinterest announced a similar initiative.

Facebook debuts new notifications to fight vaccine misinformation - The move comes exactly one week after Pinterest announced a similar initiative. submitted by /u/mvea
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1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and the specialist seems to think that GERD is a strong contributor to this condition, since I have never smoked and was hardly ever exposed to second hand smoke. I was skeptical about the GERD because I have been taking Prilosec for years. When I read the information on different site online, I learnt that IPF can be reversed with the help of BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE IPF HERBAL FORMULA, So I decided to give it a try. March this year My wife purchased 2 bottles of IPF HERBAL FORMULA from BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE. I used it for 7 weeks and my condition changed automatically, I no more use oxygen 24/7, my lungs is back to normal. ALL thanks to BHHC, I will never stop telling the world about this. Check out their webpage for more details. ww w. besthealthherbalcentre. c om
