In major meta-analysis, omega-3 fish oil supplements linked with lower cardiovasc

In major meta-analysis, omega-3 fish oil supplements linked with lower cardiovasc submitted by /u/itskevvy
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A devastating illness rocked Uganda, then disappeared. Disabled children — and a mystery — remain

A devastating illness rocked Uganda, then disappeared. Disabled children — and a mystery — remain submitted by /u/trot-trot
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AstraZeneca sells acid reflux drug rights to Germany's Cheplapharm

AstraZeneca sells acid reflux drug rights to Germany's Cheplapharm
Reuters: Health
AstraZeneca Plc said on Tuesday it would sell the global commercial rights for its drug to treat acid reflux to German pharmaceutical company Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH for as much as $276 million.

Bayer to spend over 25 billion euros in crop science R&D over 10 years

Bayer to spend over 25 billion euros in crop science R&D over 10 years
Reuters: Health
German drugmaker Bayer on Tuesday said it is to spend more than 25 billion euros ($27.22 billion) on research and development at its agriculture unit over the next 10 years.

AstraZeneca's combo lung disease therapy fails to win FDA approval

AstraZeneca's combo lung disease therapy fails to win FDA approval
Reuters: Health
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration declined to approve AstraZeneca Plc's combination therapy to treat smoker's lung, the drugmaker said on Tuesday.

Philippine farm official warns hog traders as swine fever spreads

Philippine farm official warns hog traders as swine fever spreads
Reuters: Health
The Philippines' Department of Agriculture on Tuesday threatened legal action against hog traders ignoring strict animal quarantine rules as it confirmed new cases of African swine fever infections in metropolitan Manila and a northern province.

Major pharmacy retailers pull heartburn medication Zantac and other generic versions from shelves after FDA detects carcinogens in samples of drug

Major pharmacy retailers pull heartburn medication Zantac and other generic versions from shelves after FDA detects carcinogens in samples of drug submitted by /u/maxwellhill
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