Judge approves plan to dissolve OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma

Judge approves plan to dissolve OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma submitted by /u/progress18
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Texas passes law banning abortion after six weeks

Texas passes law banning abortion after six weeks submitted by /u/tyw7
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Worried about Covid, most parents no longer want kids in school full time, survey finds

Worried about Covid, most parents no longer want kids in school full time, survey finds submitted by /u/nbcnews
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English study finds long COVID affects up to 1 in 7 children months after infection

English study finds long COVID affects up to 1 in 7 children months after infection submitted by /u/BlankVerse
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Is Vaccine Immunity Waning? It may not really be waning much — which means universal booster shots may do little good.

Is Vaccine Immunity Waning? It may not really be waning much — which means universal booster shots may do little good. submitted by /u/jms1225
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WHO Tracking New Covid Variant Named Mu, Warns It Could Be More Resistant To Vaccines

WHO Tracking New Covid Variant Named Mu, Warns It Could Be More Resistant To Vaccines submitted by /u/FearLess_Alpha
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Health/comments/pg3mfv/who_tracking_new_covid_variant_named_mu_warns_it/

WHO Tracking New Covid Variant Named Mu, Warns It Could Be More Resistant To Vaccines

WHO Tracking New Covid Variant Named Mu, Warns It Could Be More Resistant To Vaccines
WHO Tracking New Covid Variant Named Mu, Warns It Could Be More Resistant To Vaccines submitted by /u/FearLess_Alpha
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https://ift.tt/3kPs3Sj September 02, 2021 at 03:03AM https://ift.tt/1R552o9